Dispatcher inventory management allows you to track the location of your containers, no matter where they are. This article walks through best practice steps to ensure your asset locations are up-to-date, providing you with full inventory visibility.
Add and Label your Assets
First and foremost, in order to track your Assets all of them have to be added to your Dispatcher account. Ensure you added all Asset Types and bin numbers. Refer to Create Asset Types, Bulk Import Assets, and Create an Asset sections in our Dispatcher User Manual.
Set Required Actions
We strongly encourage drivers to be responsible for updating Asset locations as the information is right at their fingertips. Checkmark Add an Asset and Remove an Asset Required Actions for the appropriate Ticket Types to ensure drivers are updating Assets’ locations accordingly.
Click Settings
Click Company Settings
Click Set Required Actions
Check the appropriate actions per each Ticket Type
Communicate with your drivers about each process to align with your team’s goals. Ensuring they understand their expectations and how to meet them is critical for success. If Remove an Asset required action is set, drivers will be prompted to add it to a Site.
Understand How to Set Asset Locations in Web and Mobile Apps
Again, we encourage your drivers to be responsible for updating Assets’ locations. However, there are situations where admins need to manually update their locations. Understand how to set Assets’ locations in both the web and mobile apps by referring to Set Asset Location in the Dispatcher.com Mobile App and Set Asset Location in the Web App in our Dispatcher User Manual.
There are 3 ways to set the location of an Asset:
Attach it to a Job
Attach it to a Site
Manually set the location
Assets Can Only have One Location: Once an Asset is added to a new Job, Site, or Custom Location it is automatically removed from its previously set location. You can view Asset Activities by clicking Assets > searching and clicking on the appropriate Asset ID > scroll down to Asset Activities. Drivers are prompted to confirm the location they are removing the Asset from before they add it to the new location. This helps avoid removing it from incorrect Site or Job. |
Track if Drivers' are Updating Asset Locations
Dispatcher's Assets report allows you to Search by Related Type: Driver. Any Assets associated with a driver's truck indicate that the location still needs to be updated. Run this report weekly and communicate with any drivers who have assets on their truck to confirm the exact location and ensure the update is completed.
Update Set At Current Location Timestamp for Swap Tickets
Dispatcher's Asset locations update when an Asset is added or removed from a location. Therefore, Swap Tickets do not update the Set At Current Location timestamp unless the Asset is removed and re-added to the Job.
To ensure accurate tracking of when an Asset was last moved, set a Required Action for Swap Tickets. This will prompt your drivers to remove and re-add the Asset.
Having this information allows you to follow up with customers to schedule services and charge for additional days as needed.
Click Settings
Click Company Settings
Click Set Required Actions
Check Add an Asset and Remove an Asset for your Swap Ticket Type
Communicate with your drivers about the process to align with your team’s goals. Download our Driver Guide to Update Swap Ticket Asset Locations for their reference.
Once a Ticket is Completed, the Required Actions list will appear
Tap the x to Remove an Asset
Tap Remove
Tap No
Tap + to Add an Asset
Tap Add Asset To Job
Tap appropriate Asset (should be the one just removed)
Tap Add